Vinyl Records Support Disaster relief
Dear flipvinyl customer,
The world is changing everywhere.
But social coldness should not be allowed to spread. We are opposed to this.
That is why we also think of the people for whom, above all, their own need is limitless.
Since the beginning of this year, flipvinyl has been cooperating with to jointly raise donations for disaster relief. This is a pilot project to explore the willingness of record owners in Germany to donate, as we are considering transforming Flipvinyl into a fully nonprofit organization.
You too can donate your sales proceeds and thereby do social good and promote sustainability!
If you choose to donate, you will donate the amount to the charitable donation platform betterplace to support disaster relief and flipvinyl will donate the same amount again. Both contributions will be documented.
Three different non-profit disaster relief organizations will benefit.
You will be provided with all details during the sales process via email after your records arrive with us!
Of course, you can also decide not to donate your proceeds. In that case, we will transfer the agreed amount to your account as discussed! You will also find all details in the previously mentioned email!